It's been entirely too long since I've been home to PEI.
And it's still home. I don't know if or when that'll ever change, even though I'm now a homeowner and greencard carrying permanent resident of the United States.
But now we have plane tickets booked to go to the Island, and by the time we get there it will have been just under two years since our last visit. Back then I was living in Ottawa and had just accepted my job down here.
It's going to be weird, going back home for the first time as a married man and with a career I can be proud of.
I'm really excited about it though, and it's going to be a great eight days or so. Poking around on the Island blogs I see there are plenty of new places to eat that I haven't been to- Brits Fish and Chips, the new Confed Court Mall food court and Sim's Corner (does Jon Sim know about that place yet? His brother did marry an Island girl).
As for you few Island folks that still read this thing- let's get together the first week of August.
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